Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Secure Are YOUth?

While everyone else in this country seems to be discussing whether the personal risk of undergoing a full body airport scan is worth the national security it intends to bolster, we wanted to ask our youth what “security” means to them.

We began by going around the room 2 or 3 times brainstorming the first thing the youth thought of when they heard the word “security.” We allow passing, but encourage them just to say whatever comes to mind, even if it's stupid or has already been said, so everyone gets involved.

Youth came up with words like blanket, social, safety, shelter, freedom, passwords, national, teddy bear, puppy, government, acceptance, water, roof, insurance, job, locks, seatbelts, etc.

We did the same thing with the word “insecurity” which initially proved to be harder for them, but eventually they came up with an interesting list which included words like “gay” “female” “emotional” “body” “Arizona” “sick” and some choice others.

Then we asked every youth to write on different small pieces of paper 5 things which for them were necessary for their own security. When they had finished, we told them that a unforeseeable event resulted in the loss of one of them, and made them choose one to throw away. We continued to present them with various circumstances which forced them to get rid of another, then another, and finally another so they were left with only one, and asked them to share which they had chosen to hold on to, and why.

We concluded with a discussion of the following questions:

Would you define personal security the same way as the people you live with would? Why or why not?
Describe a time when you experienced complete safety or security. What was special about this experience? What made it so safe or secure?
Describe an experience in which you felt completely unsafe. What made it so unsafe? What happened?
What does a child need most to feel secure? What would be on your top ten list?
What kinds of situations or conditions create the most insecurity for young people today?

"During the cold war, peace and security tended to be defined simply in terms of military might or the balance of terror. Today, we have a greater appreciation for the non-military sources of conflict. We know that lasting peace requires a broader vision, encompassing education and literacy, health and nutrition, human rights and fundamental freedoms. We know that we cannot be secure amidst starvation. We cannot build peace without alleviating poverty. We cannot build freedom on foundations of injustice."
- Kofi Annan, General Secretary, United Nations

What do you think about this quote?

What are some tangible things you can you do to ensure that others do not lose or are able to have access to things that are of importance to their, and by extension our, security?

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