What is check-in? A time at the beginning of meetings designed to open people up and give them a chance to talk about what's going on in their lives.
Our group can, however, easily spend its whole meeting on "check-in," so we use questions geared to keeping comments to a minimum. Here are some that have worked well:
What was the most difficult situation you found yourself in this week?
What was the worst interaction you had with another person this week? the best?
What did you spend more time doing than you wanted to this week?
What didn't you have enough time for this week?
Think of a time this past week that you really enjoyed, or a moment you wish could happen more often. What was it, and why doesn't it happen more often?
If you could relive any moment from the past week, what would it be? Would you do it the same, or differently?
Talk about something you did this week, good or bad. What do you think your actions said about you?
What was the nicest thing someone did or said to you last week?
What's something that happened this past week that you'll remember for a while?
Talk about a time last week when you did more than you thought you were capable of.
What frustrated you the most last week?
What is causing you the most anxiety right now? What's giving you the most joy?
What are you looking forward to? What are you dreading?
What was the most unfair thing that happened to you last week?
What was the most unexpected and great thing that happened?
Talk about a time this past week when you acted in a way someone didn't expect you to act.
What was the most random thing that happened to you this week? The most random thing you did? The most random thing you overheard?
Talk about a time this past week when you had a great time with your family.
What's the stupidest thing you did last week? (or didn't do - we hope)
What is one mistake you made last week, and what could you learn from it?
Talk about a situation this past week when you felt most connected to other people.
Talk about a time this week when time passed too quickly/too slowly.
What is something you did this week to help yourself?
What is one emotion you had this week that you acted on, and one you didn't act on?
Who/what rocked your world this week?
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