Monday, October 30, 2006


I love building a great team but I hate things like ropes courses, trust activities, and the like. If we do any kind of game that has no purpose except to get people to think and work together, I like to do stuff that doesn't take a ton of prep time or require a big long explanation of how to play. I have a few favorites; this is one of them, and the youth love it too.
On index cards, make the following (one letter per card):
5 each: A E I O U
3 each: S T L M D G H N R Y
2 each: P B C F J K
1 each: Q V X Z
With masking tape, mask off a circle in the center of the room,about 2-3 feet in diameter.
On either side of the room, mask off a line.
Divide your group into 2 teams and have them stand behind their lines. Place all the index cards face down in the center circle.
Explain the rules: one person at a time from each team will run to the center, pick up an index card, bring it back to their team, and place it on their line. The next team member will then go to retrieve one index card and bring it back to their line. The first team to create a 5-letter word wins. You can add a lot of variables if it's too easy: no talking, teams may take letters from the other team's line as well as the middle circle, words must be 8 letters long, etc. If you let teams strategize between rounds of play they will get pretty good pretty quickly!

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