Thursday, October 17, 2013

A spider's web for Halloween and a chance to talk about community in between!

Does everybody know how to create a web with your group? I feel like we all must by now!  But it's Halloween season so how about a quick review of a great way to create connections within your group (any size works!), have a good discussion, and end up with a nice web to hang up in your youth room. Add a spider and you're done!

Put your youth in a circle, and give one the end of a ball of yarn.  This youth tosses the ball, while still holding the end of the string, to another youth.  Have him or her ask that youth a question, if the group knows each other well, or keep it simple by asking "would you rather" type questions.  Pretty much anything works! 

After the youth holding the ball of yarn responds, s/he tosses the ball to another youth, while still holding onto a piece of the string, and the questions and yarn tossing continue until a nice web is formed.

Before you have your youth pass the yarn from one person to the person beside him or her to tie it all off so it can be hung, let them pull and play around with it for a while.  Our yarn is all old so it breaks usually, but often not before you can watch how one person's tug affects the entire web.

Questions for discussion:
-When we were playing and pulling with our web, what did you notice about how it moved and who was able to move it? How does this remind you of things in your own life?  In the larger community?
-How did the web break? Are there analogies in your personal experience where your web broke? What was that like?
-How did you fix the web? What lessons might you take from this, to help you fix the places that are broken in your own circles of friendship? In the world?
-What do you appreciate about the people here today, and the ways that you are connected to them?

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