Monday, October 09, 2006

Themes for Meetings

In response to a question: I think the trick to great meetings that flow without being boring or getting off track is to find a common thread you can weave from beginning to end
(from checkin, to energizer, to game, to discussion, to worship, etc)
Obviously I can't always run that thread ALL the way through - nor do I always want to - but I try to keep something woven throughout. 
Here's the latest example:

Game: Don’t Spill the Water

Have groups of 3 to 8 youth lie on their backs, legs up, all feet together in the middle of the circle. Place a large bowl of water on their feet. The object of the game is for everyone in the group to take off their shoes without spilling the water.

Discussion: Walk in my shoes:

Have everyone in the group throw his/her shoes into the middle of the circle. One by one, ask youth to enter the circle, pick out a pair of shoes other than his/her own, and have a seat in the center. Have the youth whose shoes they are tell the story of what it’s like to be in their shoes. That youth then goes to the middle to pick the next pair of shoes. Debrief/Discuss.

Closing Question/Candles: Do you feel comfortable in your own shoes?


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