Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Diversity in Youth Group

We have a pretty diverse youth group ourselves; at least it 
appears that way from the outside. 
When we ask our youth about the diversity in their own group, 
they are much more likely to talk about the social groups 
that the various members of our youth group belong to -
band geeks, preps, jocks, druggies, alternative folks -
it's a veritable microcosm of the cultural diversity in the world.
One of my favorite "games" to open up a discussion about this 
diversity is Barnga. For some reason, this year I forgot how
to play and ended up having to search everywhere for the rules.
I finally found them here, along with a bunch of other really cool,
similar "games" that our youth love (Bafa Bafa, Prisoner's
Dilemma, and Brief Encounters being all-time winners).
If you try any others, let me know!

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