Monday, November 13, 2006

Love Your Neighbors

We love our neighboring UU youth groups!
Seems like there are a bunch of us who just don't find the time, or the ability, or the adult resources (or the desire?) to attend Cons in our area, but still really want to get to know the other UU youth nearby.
We're one of those groups, but our youth are finding new, cool ways to get to know each other and do things together, nonetheless!
Yesterday we had a great time out in Worcester, MA with the UU youth group there, led by Dave Blodgett. We got some of our musicians and singers together and played and sang at their Sunday morning service. It was a great way to get to know each other and have fun, and do something worthwhile all at the same time. Thanks for having us, Worcester!
In the past, Arlington, MA's UU youth group has joined us for a screening of An Inconvenient Truth; Belmont UU has invited us to their Halloween Party; and we've had a great time with some sunday afternoon Scavenger Hunts with other local UU youth.
We've enjoyed the time we've spent with other youth groups (twelve in all!) talking about our Gulf Coast work, too, and we're really happy that other groups have been able to make the trip down to lend a hand with some help from us (at least, we like to think we helped!).
We're always looking for new ways to connect to other youth groups outside of the Cons - stuff that appeals to a lot of different youth and doesn't take up more time of the youth advisors; and we've met so many other youth who have also been looking for this connection, that we started a list of things we hope to do in the near future with our neighbors.
Maybe you'll find some ideas here, yourself!

All day UU youth Olympics
Dance group - folk, swing, contra, etc
Friday night rock concert, featuring bands with UU youth
Open Mike Night for UU youth
All day service project in the area
Monthly sponsorship of a local animal shelter dog
Local UU youth Adopt-a-highway
Art exhibit featuring art/photography of local UU youth
Podcasts to find out what other youth groups are doing
Videotaped round-table discussion on an issue, to be broadcast on local cable access channels


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


How lucky for all of us UU's who work with youth that you are now blogging! Thank you for all your insights shared here. It will be great to see the group again in early December. Also, the environmental song rocks (so to speak).